It finally happened. Yesterday I got my car back.
The problem with injector has now been fixed. There is still a problem with the rear washer; I did ask the garage to look at it but they failed to do so. They did also find that the front discs and pads will require changing in the not too distant future. Although this won’t be cheap; they are consumables and need changing every now and then, and as the car has done 186,000 miles I would have been naïve to think this wouldn’t be necessary. The rear washer can be dealt with at the same time.
I do wish, however, that I had asked for a re-spray as the Mercedes Invisible Blue colour scheme is becoming a tad annoying. I have had the car back 1 day, yes 1 day and already 5 people have either not seen it or chosen to ignore it! The first guy decided to come down my side of the road as his was blocked by parked vehicles; even though I was already passing these vehicles. Fortunately there was a gap he could get into, though he couldn’t have seen it when he started to pass the vehicles. The second occurrence happened at the same point; this time the woman driving the other car stopped much quicker and backed up to let me through. The other instances included someone pulling out on me on a roundabout and a couple of idiots on the motorway.
I may finally get to use it to go to the golf club tomorrow; if the weather holds out. The problem is that it’s getting dark so much earlier now so we have to get there earlier. Fortunately Michelle doesn’t need me to help on Thursday nights, so I can go as soon as I’ve done everyone’s dinner.
The other good news is that I have an interview on Monday. The job doesn’t pay what I’d like but I can make up for it on overtime. The shifts are Monday to Friday 6am to 2pm so much scope for doing a few hours extra a week. As long as it isn’t on a Tuesday (when Pompey are at home), a Wednesday, (so I can help Michelle), or a Thursday. Weekends when Pompey are away would be ok too. It might work out pretty good. I actually wouldn’t mind doing earlies all the time; so much better that going in for 2pm and working until 10pm or nights.
It’s now Friday and yesterday evening we played golf. It gets dark a lot earlier now so we left at 5.30 and managed to play 8 holes before the gloom set in. A mixed bag really; some bloody awful shots interspersed with brilliant shots. It was good just to get out; considering the weather over the last few days.
This weekend is leafleting again but it looks like rain; so it’ll be time to get creative with the papier maché.
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