Thursday, 28 July 2011

A good few holes; and NO rioja!

I have just been out for 8 holes with Ross. Unlike Sunday, I didn’t get to use the range first and I was first to go on the 9th hole. My tee shot went off into the trees to the right. I tried again and knocked it 10 feet forwards. I then teed the ball higher and hit a great shot onto the green. It was agreed that the first 2 didn’t happen and no-one saw anything. Ross put his tee shot short and then onto the green and was down for 4. I actually scored a par. 

The 10th was a different kettle of prawns. My tee shot was probably as perfect as anything I have hit, and not just on that hole. The second shot left a lot to be desired, and the third was underclubbed to finish just short of the green I finished on 6, which I was very pleased with. Ross on the other hand cocked this one up a treat and picked up. There were a couple of fellow golfists behind us who had caught up and Ross suggested we stand aside to let them through, but as I stood by the 11th tee he wandered off back to the 9th hole and proceeded to hit a few tee shots. After the other chaps passed and went onto the 10th green I walked over to Ross. We then walked up the 9th to pick up his balls and then strolled over to the 10th tee, where Ross started the hole again. I said I’d play it but would count my first attempt and use this as practice. As it happened I got to the green in 7 and Ross parred the hole. I have now christened this hole New York; so good we played it twice.

The 11th saw a good tee shot from me but I still took an 8. The 12th saw my only really abysmal tee shot and I finished with an 8, a 4 shot improvement on Sunday. The 13th was a one over par and so was the 14th and 15th. We moved to the 18th as it was getting late but, despite a really good tee shot, I finished on an 8.

 My total for 8 holes was 45 which compared well to the first 9 on Sunday which was done in 52. This is real consistency, well for me anyway. I’m not sure whether you can call me Miguel just yet though. Perhaps if you said Miguel Flitcroft; or is that Maurice Jimenez?

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