Many of you will be wondering ‘Why is this idiot writing a blog?’ (I have checked the stats and in this case many probably means 1 or possibly 2). This is a good question, and one I’m not really sure of the answer. I will try and do so as I go along.
My first thought is that I am trying to explain why, and how, a confirmed anti-golfist suddenly went over to the dark side and started enjoying it. I am also showing other non-golfy types that much fun can be had whilst not really being up to Rory McIlroy standards and, if you get things right, it really isn’t about the golf at all.
The other reason is that I wanted to do something creative. I am completely useless as an artist; I can’t draw, I can’t make things and I can’t play a musical instrument. The only thing left was writing, but what would be my subject? As my wife can testify I carry my own soapbox with me, actually it’s a deluxe version with many steps and a fitted bar. I can rant quite nicely from it but when it comes to blogging there are many covering my ranty subjects, they all do it much better than I, and are much more knowledgeable. Much thought went into choosing a topic and Michelle suggested golf as there appeared to be less blogs about golf, there seem to be none that cover it from the standpoint of a convertee (What a horrible made up word but I couldn’t resist it).
So far I have had over 100 pages views, mainly I think from family and friends (I’m sure you’ll let me know if you’re enjoying my scribblings – please use the comments or email me) although I was intrigued by the couple of views from Russia. If you do like these inane ramblings then please spread the word, there are others in need of help and by reading this they can realise there are people worse off than themselves and that will cheer them up.
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